Research support / scholarships

In order to support the research activities of graduate students, the Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies provides a fixed amount per graduate student to cover the purchase of necessary materials and travel expenses for presentations at academic conferences.
In addition, there is also a system of competitive research expenses in which research plans for one year are reviewed and paid.
“The Project of Next Generation Ph.D. Students” is a doctoral human resource development program that offers scholarships to those who meet certain conditions.
If you are selected and accepted according to specified selection, you will receive a scholarship of 180,000 yen per month, a research grant of 400,000 yen per year, and support such as exemption from tuition fees.

For details, please go to the website .

Long-term study system

This system is also available in the master’s program (see short-term (1 year) enrollment-type system/Long-term study system).

Special exception for educational methods based on Article 14 of the Standards for the Establishment of Graduate Schools

This system is also available in the master’s program (see Educational Support System: Four majors connected from bachelor education).